Role of Testosterone in Male Fitness

Role of Testosterone in Male Fitness

The male hormone testosterone is produced in testes and also in adrenal glands. It is also found in females but in a very small amount. In males the level is more significant and prominent during adolescence and early adulthood. It gradually declines with age. The body ensures a balance between testosterone production and bodily demand. 

Testosterone, is an important male hormone that plays a major role in physiology of male body. It helps in development of male genitals, heavy voice during puberty, appearance of facial hair, etc. The hormone is not just vital for male reproductive health but it also impacts overall fitness.


What Happens when the Testosterone Level is Low?

Testosterone level can be too little, too much and adequate. It is easy to check the level of testosterone by a routine blood test. The level may differ over the course of the day. it is recommended to get it tested in morning.

Given below are the signs of low testosterone that can affect male fitness. Signs of low testosterone level include –

·        * Increased body fat (particularly in abdomen)

·        * Fatigue

·        * Low energy level

·        * Depression

·        * Irritability

·        * Mood swings

·        * Decreased muscle mass

·        * Decreased muscle strength

·        * Not able to concentrate

In this article we shall learn the role of testosterone in male fitness. The male hormone, testosterone contributes to male health in following ways –

Impact on Muscle Development

Development and maintenance of skeletal muscles is one of the most prominent roles of testosterone. It supports protein synthesis (muscle proteins), which is very important for growth and repair of muscles. Muscle proteins are produced by activation of certain cells. It plays a central role in repair and regeneration for muscle fiber.

Testosterone increases the level of growth hormone. It helps in increase the size of cells or the size of skeletal muscles. According to the studies, level of testosterone is directly proportional to muscle mass and muscle strength. Higher the level of testosterone, greater is the muscle mass and strength.


Role of testosterone on Fat Distribution

The hormone helps in breakdown of fats to release energy. Testosterone impacts metabolism and its distribution in the male body. Higher the testosterone, lower is the body fat percentage. The percentage of fat also decreases by the impact of male hormone on metabolism and the ability of hormone to increase lean muscle mass. Low testosterone level is linked with more fat deposition, mainly around the abdomen. This has a negative impact on metabolism.


Impact on Bone Health and Density 

Health status of bones play a critical role in fitness of both men and women. The hormone stimulates bone mineralization and enhance the bone density. Healthy bone is not just important for athletic performance but it also prevents injuries. Low level of testosterone causes low bone density. Low bone density indicates vulnerability to fracture and osteoporosis.


Improves Energy Level & Helps Face Tough Situation 

In human body the energy is released from mitochondrial cells. Testosterone has a direct impact on the mitochondrial function. When mitochondrial cells function optimally it ensures efficient utilization of energy. This results in improving stamina and quick recovery.

Healthy level of testosterone boosts the production of red blood cells. With increase in red blood cells, there is more availability of oxygen to muscles during physical activity. When the muscles get the required oxygen, the body does not get tired soon. It also helps sustain athletic performance during difficult situation.


Keeps you on Track 

Fitness is as much about physical health as it is of mental health. Fit body cannot be achieved without a sound mental health and staying motivated. Testosterone is known to play a vital role in regulating mood and motivation. Healthy level of testosterone is linked with good mood, boost confidence and body does not feel much tired. According to the studies men who are consistent in their fitness routine have higher level of testosterone.

Men suffering from depression, who frequently have irritating nature, and have low quality of life are known to have low level of testosterone. When the imbalance of testosterone hormone is addressed, it can significantly improve mental wellbeing. This helps a person to stay on track to achieve physical fitness.


Speedy Recovery 

Men who are into fitness may get injured. Speedy recovery is a key component of any fitness. Adequate level of testosterone supports speedy recovery by reducing inflammation and promoting tissue repair. It helps minimize the recovery time and speeds muscle recovery after work out. This enables a person for more training sessions. 

By understanding the role of testosterone in male fitness, it is also important to know that impact of testosterone varies in each individual(men). Increased or adequate testosterone is crucial to build muscles, men trying to lose weight and endurance sports.


Can Testosterone Level be Increased? 

Yes, it can.

With a brief outline of role of testosterone in male fitness, we know the importance of testosterone in male hormone. The hormone level can be improved naturally by making certain lifestyle changes. Staying active, eating a balanced diet, getting adequate sleep, maintaining a healthy weight and stress management are some of the best ways to improve the testosterone level. 

There are many testosterone supplements available in the market that promises to improve the male hormone. Such supplements if not taken under the healthcare supervision, can have adverse effect on health. Some of the impacts on health include risk of health problems, aggressive behavior, hormonal imbalance, headache, sleeping difficulty, suppression of natural testosterone production, etc.


Take Away

Testosterone, a male hormone plays an important role in their fitness. The hormone supports growth of muscles, fat metabolism, improves energy level and overall performance in athletics. It is extremely important to know the importance of testosterone in overall wellbeing of men. Following the natural ways can help most of the men improve the hormone level. However, in some who persistently experience the symptoms of low level of testosterone, must consult a healthcare professional. To maintain adequate level of testosterone is not just important for male fitness but also to maintain overall health.

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